Ceara Mapa

Ceara Mapa

by Vishal Kumar

Ceara Map

Facts about Ceara State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Fortaleza
Area 146,348.3 sq km
Population 8606005 (Census 2012)
Demonym Cearense
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), (UTC-02)
Postal Code 60000-000 to 63990-000
Airports Pinto Martins International Airport
Website ceara.gov.br

Ceara is one of the prime coastal states of Brazil, situated in the northeaster part of the country. Ceara has some of the most attractive sea beaches of Brazil. Lots of tourist gets attracted to Ceara of Brazil for its natural beauty, unspoiled beaches, and rain forests.

Ceara is geographically bordered by Pernambuco on its south, by Atlantic Ocean to its north, by Piaui to its west and Rio Grande do Norte to its east.

Climate of Ceara: Night in Ceara is usually cool, breezy and relaxing, whereas days are hot and humid.

Tourism in Ceara

Ceara has various sites to offer the travelers to enjoy a fortnight’s holiday. Among various tourist attractions in Ceara one of the most popular is eco-tourism. Ceara in Brazil has a number of popular and virgin sand-dunes that welcomes the voyagers to be explored.

Beach side hotels, restaurants and cafes are the ideal place to hangout in evening when the sun sets down. Whether you are alone or not, Ceara beaches would cast a spell on every traveler simultaneously.

Ceara of Brazil is an ideal tourism destination for all types of travelers, be it a rare vacationer or an adventurer. Some of the prime tourism attractions of Ceara in Brazil include:

  • Ceara rain Forest
  • Ceara Water falls
  • Ceara sand-Dunes (specially the beach of Canoa Quebrada and Jericoacoara)

Nature is the main wealth of Ceara at Brazil. This particular Brazilian state has rich tourism potentials, which yet has not been discovered, but once it is fully explored it is going to be the major tourism hub of Brazil. Ceara, Brazil is a promising traveler destination of the nation and worth site to pay visit.

Cities in Ceara

Abaiara Chor≤ Jaguaribara Pereiro
AcarapΘ Chorozinho Jaguaribe Pindoretama
Acara Corea Jaguaruana Piquet Carneiro
Acopiara Crate·s Jardim Pires Ferreira
Aiuaba Crato Jati Poranga
AlcΓntaras Croatß Jijoca de Jericoacoara Porteiras
Altaneira Cruz Juazeiro do Norte Potengi
Alto Santo Deputado Irapuan Pinheiro Jucßs Potiretama
Amontada ErerΩ Lavras da Mangabeira Quiterian≤polis
Antonina do Norte EusΘbio Limoeiro do Norte Quixada
ApuiarΘs Farias Brito Madalena Quixel⌠
Aquiraz Forquilha Maracana· Quixeramobim
Aracati Fortaleza Maranguape QuixerΘ
Araτoiaba Fortim Marco Redenτπo
Ararendß Frecheirinha Martin≤pole Reriutaba
Araripe General Sampaio MassapΩ Russas
Aratuba Graτa Meruoca Saboeiro
Arneiroz Granja Milagres Salitre
AssarΘ Granjeiro Milhπ Santa QuitΘria
Aurora Groaφras Miraφma Santana do Acara·
Baixio Guai·ba Misso Velha Santana do Cariri
Banabui· Guaraciaba do Norte Mombaτa Sπo Benedito
Barbalha Guaramiranga Monsenhor Tabosa Sπo Gonτalo do Amarante
Barreira HidrolΓndia Morada Nova Sπo Joπo do Belm
Barro Horizonte Mora·jo Sπo Joπo do Jaguaribe
Barroquinha Ibaretama Morrinhos Sπo Luiz do Curu
BaturitΘ Ibiapina Mucambo Senador Pompeu
Beberibe Ibicuitinga Mulungu Senador Sß
Bela Cruz Icapuφ Nova Olinda Sobral
Boa Viagem Ic≤ Nova Russas Solon≤pole
Brejo Santo Iguatu Novo Oriente Tabuleiro do Norte
Camocim IndependΩncia Ocara Tamboril
Campos Sales Ipaporanga Or≤s Tarrafas
CanindΘ Ipaumirim Pacaj·s Tauß
Capistrano Ip· Pacatuba Tejuτuoca
Caridade Ipueiras Pacoti Tianguß
CarirΘ Iracema Pacujß Trairi
Caririaτ· Irauτuba Palhano Tururu
Cari·s Itaiτaba Palmßcia Ubajara
Carnaubal Itaitinga Paracuru Umari
Cascavel ItapajΘ Paraipaba Umirim
Catarina Itapipoca Parambu Uruburetama
Catunda Itapi·na Paramoti Uruoca
Caucaia Itarumπ Pedra Branca Varjota
Cedro Itatira Penaforte Vßrzea Alegre
Chaval Jaguaretama Pentecoste Viτosa do Cearß