Amapa Mapa

Amapa Mapa

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Amapa

Facts about Amapá State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Macapa
Area 142,814.585 sq km
Population 698602 (Census 2012)
Demonym Amapaense
Time zone BRT (UTC-3)
Postal Code 68900-000 to 68999-000
Airports Macapá International Airport

Located in the Extreme North of Brazil, Amapa is a State of Brazil. Amapa is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the French Guiana in the North and in the South and West is the Brazilian state Para. Mostly covered with rain forests, Amapa is located in the mouth of the River Amazon.

The Interiors of the State of Amapa, brazil is covered with a number of low hills which are actually the extreme eastern end of the Guiana Highlands. Amapa includes Oiapoque, which is the Northern most point of Amapa. With a tiny population Amapa was always a disputed location. Due to its proximity to Europe, Amapa was claimed by Portuguese, British, Dutch and French. A number of diplomatic missions and conventions were required to appease these controversies and settle the borders between Brazil and Guyana.

Besides being the most scarcely populated, Amapa is also one of the poorest regions of Brazil.

Traditionally, Amapa was dependent on the export of rubber but with the discovery of Manganese, Timber and some other minerals shifted the focus of sources income. Due to Amapa’s long distance from the important cities Economic development in Amapa has become a problem. Moreover, the greater part of the State is covered with Amazon Forests and they are preserved.

The climate in Amapa is very hot and wet. The average monthly temperature of the State of Amapa varies between 25 and 26 degrees Celsius. The dry seasons prevail from June to December and the heat during this part of the year is the hottest.

S.N. Municipality S.N. Municipality
1 Amapa 9 Macapa (State Capital)
2 Pracuuba 10 Pedra Branca do Amapari
3 Tartarugalzinho 11 Porto Grande
4 Calcoene 12 Santana
5 Oiapoque 13 Serra do Navio
6 Cutias 14 Laranjal do Jari
7 Ferreira Gomes 15 Mazagao
8 Itaubal 16 Vitoria do Jari