Alagoas Mapa

Alagoas Mapa

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Alagoas Brazil

Facts about Alagoas State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Maceió
Area 27,767.661 sq km
Population 3,165,472 (census 2012)
Demonym Alagoano (male), Alagoana (female)
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), BRST (UTC-2)
Postal Code 57000-000 to 57990-000
Airports Zumbi dos Palmares International Airport

The State of Alagoas is famous for its capital Maceio which lies in the Northeastern coast of the country of Brazil. The beautiful beaches along Maceio offer you a heavenly feeling.

When the tourist moves over the beaches of Maceio through airplane, the view he/she experiences does not allow him/her to forget for the lifetime. The State of Alagoas, Brazil is surrounded with such a magnificent natural surrounding that it is always flooded with tourists. And to accommodate such a large number of tourists, the number of hotels is pretty big. Once you reach Maceis in AlagoasBrazil, you will find a magnificent view because of the 230 kilometers stretch of coconut lined beaches. The beaches are not the sole attraction in Maceis. The natural lakes and the tide pools beautify the region extensively.

Few of the hotels in the State of Alagoas include:

  • Ibis Maceio Pajucara – This hotel is located in Maceio. This hotel offers its boarders nice view of the natural swimming pools. The hotel affords small and large sized meeting rooms. Shopping theater is also afforded for the tourists. Car parking facility is offered as well.
  • Melia Maceio – This hotel is located only 8 kilometers away from the city center. It offers exquisite views of the sea along the Jatiuca Beach. This hotel affords the boarders to relish the amenities of sauna, bar, disco, jacuzzi, exercise gym, tennis courts.
  • Holiday Inn Express Maceio – This hotel is located in front of Cruz Das Almas Beach. This hotel is convenient to approach because of its nearby distance from Compos dos Palmares Airport.


S.N. Major Cities in State of Alagoas, Brazil
1 Arapiraca
2 Coruripe
3 Maceio
4 Maragogi
5 Marechal Deodoro
6 Palmeira dos Indios
7 Penedo
8 Piranhas
9 Porto Calvo
10 Porto de Pedras
11 Sao Miguel dos Campos
12 Santana do Ipanema
13 Uniao dos Palmares
14 Vicosa


List of Municipalities in Alagoas

S.N. Municipality S.N. Municipality
1 Arapiraca 52 Murici
2 Campo Grande 53 Novo Lino
3 Coité do Nóia 54 Porto Calvo
4 Craíbas 55 São Luís do Quitunde
5 Feira Grande 56 Feliz Deserto
6 Girau do Ponciano 57 Igreja Nova
7 Lagoa da Canoa 58 Penedo
8 Limoeiro de Anadia 59 Piaçabuçu
9 São Sebastião 60 Porto Real do Colégio
10 Taquarana 61 Anadia
11 Belém 62 Boca da Mata
12 Cacimbinhas 63 Campo Alegre
13 Estrela de Alagoas 64 Coruripe
14 Igaci 65 Jequiá da Praia
15 Mar Vermelho 66 Junqueiro
16 Maribondo 67 Roteiro
17 Minador do Negrão 68 São Miguel dos Campos
18 Palmeira dos Índios 69 Teotônio Vilela
19 Paulo Jacinto 70 Chã Preta
20 Quebrangulo 71 Ibateguara
21 Tanque d’Arca 72 Pindoba
22 Olho d’Água Grande 73 Santana do Mundaú
23 São Brás 74 São José da Laje
24 Traipu 75 União dos Palmares
25 Japaratinga 76 Viçosa
26 Maragogi 77 Delmiro Gouveia
27 Passo de Camaragibe 78 Olho d’Água do Casado
28 Porto de Pedras 79 Piranhas
29 São Miguel dos Milagres 80 Batalha
30 Barra de Santo Antônio 81 Belo Monte
31 Barra de São Miguel 82 Jacaré dos Homens
32 Coqueiro Seco 83 Jaramataia
33 Maceió (State Capital) 84 Major Isidoro
34 Marechal Deodoro 85 Monteirópolis
35 Paripueira 86 Olho d’Água das Flores
36 Pilar 87 Olivença
37 Rio Largo 88 Carneiros
38 Santa Luzia do Norte 89 Dois Riachos
39 Satuba 90 Maravilha
40 Atalaia 91 Ouro Branco
41 Branquinha 92 Palestina
42 Cajueiro 93 Pão de Açúcar
43 Campestre 94 Poço das Trincheiras
44 Capela 95 Santana do Ipanema
45 Colônia Leopoldina 96 São José da Tapera
46 Flexeiras 97 Senador Rui Palmeira
47 Jacuípe 98 Água Branca
48 Joaquim Gomes 99 Canapi
49 Jundiá 100 Inhapi
50 Matriz de Camaragibe 101 Mata Grande
51 Messias 102 Pariconha