Fortaleza Brazil Map

Fortaleza Map

Description : Fortaleza map showing the major roads, airports, shopping centers, hotels, tourist attractions etc.

Synonym for “fortress” in Portuguese, ‘Fortaleza’ Brazil is the capital of the Brazilian state of Ceara with a north-eastern location. The 336 sq km land area of the city is inhabited by 2.416.920 people (2006 census), offering Fortaleza Brazil the recognition of a metropolis. The turquoise waters of the Atlantic protect the northern corners of the city, while the southern parts are surrounded by Itaitinga, Pacatuba, Maracanau and the Eusebio cities.

The city of Caucaia acts as the western boundary of Fortaleza Brazil.

The history of Fortaleza Brazil dates back to as early as 16th century when the Spaniard Vicente Pinzon landed on the place, naming it initially as “Santa Maria de la Consolacion”. The Spanish colonization was followed by the Portugese and Dutch settlements, after which the city was gradually consolidated into a formal Brazilian city.

The characteristic tropical climate of Fortaleza Brazil with warm summers and humid winters has given birth to tropical vegetation throughout the region. The overall temperature normally varies between 22ºC and 32ºC, with extremities controlled by the cool sea breezes and sufficient monsoon showers.

7.587.68/km2 the population density in Fortaleza Brazil, comprising an assorted racial population. 97 percent of the inhabitants comprise the White and the Mixed, while the rest consists of Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Black people. Portugese being the official language of the region, education in school, college and university levels are imparted in English and Spanish languages as well.

Festa Junina or Saint John Festival and the Ash Wednesday carnival are important celebrations that form part of the cultural activities in Fortaleza Brazil. The Pinto Martins International Airport offers worldwide travelers efficient access by air, so that they can participate in these festivals and have a look at diverse places of interests like Forte Nan de Praire Statue Iracema Statue, Nossa Senhora da Assuncao Fort, Mucuripe lighthouse, Palace of Light, etc. A handful of these natural and architectural sights earn immense popular accolades for Fortaleza Brazil as a famous Latin American travel destination.

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