
Natitingou is one of the towns of Benin that is situated in the northwestern part of the country. The Penjari National Park is at a distance of 50km from the town of Natitingou. The town of Natitingou was founded by the ethnic group of Waama.

The climate of the town is dry in nature and the humidity of the region can be as low as 10% and the temperature at night time falls to about 17ºC. The tour to Natitingou would include visiting many of the attractions that are present in the town.

The tourists to Natitingou would face no problem with accommodation and food. The tours to Natitingou would be complemented by standard hotels where the tourists to Benin will be provided the best of facilities and modern amenities. There are many restaurants that would pamper the gusts with delicious delicacies and savor their taste buds.

The attractions at Natitingou include visit to:

  • Musee d’Art er de Traditions Populaires
  • The tourists can also visit the local craftsmen and artists at work and witness the tree’s huge stores of creative works.

The tourists to Natitingou can also indulge in walking tours of the town and explore the traditions and the lifestyles of the people of the town. The months of November to May will be the most favorable time to visit the town of Benin.

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