Benin Weather

The Republic of Benin is located near the equator. This geographical position enables Benin weather to be tropical. The average temperature fluctuates in the region of 27° Centigrade.

Benin weather is characterized as being hot and humid. There is a perceptible difference in the climate of Benin in different parts of the country. The southern part of Benin suffers extremely hot weather in some seasons of the year. There is a long and dry season from the month of December to the month of March. A dry wind blows through southern Benin during these months. The temperatures range between 22° Centigrade and 35° Centigrade.

The rainy season of the climate in Benin starts in the month of March. It extends until the month of July. The dry season occurs during the months between July and September. The weather of the northern part of Benin comprises only one rainy season. The temperatures may rise to a high of 40° Centigrade during the summer months. The highest amount of rainfall occurs in the central part of Benin. Travelers to Benin are advised to wear lightweight cotton. Linen trousers are also suitable. An umbrella or a raincoat is required during the rainy season in the West African country.

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