Belgium Facts

Where is Belgium?

The Kingdom of Belgium is located in Western Europe. It shares its borders with France, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands.

How did Belgium get its name?

Belgium is derived from a Roman province, Gallia Belgica. It is a province located in northernmost part of Gaul, and was inhabited by the Belgae.

How big is Belgium?

Belgium covers an area of 11,787 square miles and has an estimated population of 11,007,020. Its geographic coordinates are 50 50N, 4 00E.

What is the currency of Belgium?

The euro is the official currency of Belgium. Its ISO 4217 code is EUR. It is issued by the European Central Bank and is the second largest reserve currency and the second most traded currency,

What is the capital of Belgium?

The City of Brussels is the capital of Belgium. It is the capital of Belgium by law.

Which is the largest city of Belgium?

The city of Brussels is the largest city of Belgium. It covers an area of 12.6 square miles and as of January 1, 2010, had an estimated population of 157,673. Its geographic coordinates are 50 51N, 4 21E.

What is the official language of Belgium?

There are two main linguistic groups in Belgium, the Dutch-speakers and the French-speakers. Dutch, French, and German are the official languages of the country.

What is the religion of Belgium?

Belgium is a secular country. Majority of the population in Belgium adheres to Roman Catholicism. There are six official religions recognized in the country, including Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Anglicanism, Islam, and the Orthodox Church.

What is the literacy rate of Belgium?

The total adult literacy rate of Belgium is 98%.

Who is the political leader of Belgium?

Albert II is the current reigning King of Belgians. He ascended to the throne in 1993. Charles Michel is the 51st and the current Prime Minister of the country. He assumed office on October 11, 2014.

When is the national day of Belgium celebrated?

July 21 is celebrated as the national day of Belgium. The first king of the Belgians, Leopold of Saxe-Coburg was inaugurated on July 21, 1831. This day is celebrated as a national holiday.

What is the economy of Belgium like?

In 2009, the GDP of Belgium was $381.4 billion, while its GDP per capita in 2010 was $38,600. Services sector accounts for 74.9% of the GDP, followed by industry: 24.2%, and agriculture: 1%. 15.2% of the population lives below the poverty line. The unemployment rate stands at 8%. Major industries include engineering and metal products, motor vehicle assembly, transportation equipments, processed food and beverages, basic metals, textiles, glass, and petroleum. Major trading partners are Germany, France, Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, Italy, Ireland, and China.

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