Bangladesh Facts

Facts about Bangladesh

Official Name People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Continent Asia
Lat Long 24 00 N, 90 00 E
Area 56,977 Sq. mi (147,570 km2)
Population 162951560
Capital Dhaka
Largest City Dhaka
Official Languages BengaliEnglish
Major Religion Muslim 89.5%, Hindu 9.6%, other 0.9% (includes Buddhist .5%, Christian .3%) (2004 est.)
National Day 26. March 1971
Form of Government Unitary parliamentary republic
President Abdul Hamid
Vice President NA
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina
Currency Taka (BDT)
GDP $572.440 billion ( 2015 estimate)
Calling Code 880
Time Zone BST (UTC+6)
Internet TLD .bd

Where is Bangladesh?

People’s Republic of Bangladesh is located in South Asia. It is a sovereign state and shares its borders with India from all the sides except for Burma in the southeast and Bay of Bengal in the south.

How did Bangladesh get its name?

Bangladesh gets its name from Bengali language. It literally means Country of Bengal.

How big is Bangladesh?

Bangladesh covers an area of 56,977 square miles. As of 2011, the estimated population of the republic was 142,319,000. Its geographic coordinates are 24 00N, 90 00E.

What is the currency of Bangladesh?

The currency of Bangladesh is taka. Its ISO 4217 code is BDT and is issued by the central bank of the country. Taka means currency in Bengali and became the currency of the country in 1972.

What is the capital of Bangladesh?

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh. It is located on the banks of Buriganga River and is popularly known as the City of Mosques. It was established in 1608 CE and was granted city status in 1947.

Which is the largest city of Bangladesh?

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is the largest city of the country. It covers an area of 139 square miles and has an estimated population of 7,000,940. Also known as the Rickshaw Capital of the World, Dhaka is the among the 28th most densely populated cities in the world. Its geographic coordinates are 23 42N, 90 22 E. What is the official language of Bangladesh?

Bangla is the official language of Bangladesh.

What is the religion of Bangladesh?

Approximately 90% of the population in Bangladesh practices Islam. The minority comprises Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, and Animists.

What is the literacy rate of Bangladesh?

As of 2009, the total literacy rate of Bangladesh was 56.5%. It was 62% among men and 51% among women.

Who is the political leader of Bangladesh?

Zillur Rahman is the current and the 19th President of Bangladesh. He assumed office on February 12, 2009. Sheikh Hasina is the current Prime Minister of Bangladesh. She assumed office on January 6, 2009.

When is the National Day of Bangladesh celebrated?

The national day of Bangladesh is celebrated on March 26. This day marks the declaration of independence and the commencement of Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. It is celebrated as a national holiday.

What is the economy of Bangladesh like?

Bangladesh is a market-based economy. In 2010, the GDP of the country was $269.3, while its per capita income was $1,700. Services sector accounts for 52.8% of the GDP, followed by industries: 28.6%, and agriculture: 18.6%. Almost 27% of the population lives below the poverty line, while the unemployment rate stand at 5.1%. Major industries of the country are cotton textiles, jute, garments, tea processing, leather, fish, paper and newsprint, cement, sugar, and cane. Major trade flows are with US, Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Kuwait, Japan, China, Hong Kong, India, and Singapore.

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