Weather in Sydney

Weather of Sydney Australia is characterized by warm summers and mild winters with sufficient rainfall all the year round.

climate of Sydney Australia is oceanic.Sydney Australia experiences a moderate
climate due to its proximity to the ocean. Extreme temperatures are recorded in the inland western suburbs.

The warmest month in Sydney Australia is January. The average air temperature range at Observatory Hill is 18.6 °C-25.8 °C at that time. 14 January 1939 recorded a maximum temperature of 45.3 °C at the end of a 4 day nationwide heat wave.

Winters in Sydney Australia is more or less mild and cool. Winter temperatures rarely drop below 5 °C in coastal areas. The coldest month in Sydney Australia is July with average temperatures ranging from 8.0 °C–16.2 °C. The lowest minimum temperature recorded was 2.1 °C. Rainfall occurs evenly both in summers as well as in winters but it is comparatively higher during the first six months of a year when the easterly winds dominate the region. The average annual rainfall in Sydney Australia is around 1217.0 millimeters.

Though the city does not suffer from cyclones or earthquakes,the El Nio Southern Oscillation plays a crucial role in determining the weather pattern of Sydney Australia . Drought, bushfire, storms and flooding accompanied by the opposite phases of the oscillation characterize the climate of Sydney Australia . Bushfires have a tendency to occur during the spring and summer. Sydney is also prone to hail storms and wind storms. The city of Sydney is also prone to flash flooding resulting from huge amounts of rain caused by East Coast Lows.

Recent research conducted by an atmospheric scientist of Macquarie University suggests that land clearing in western Sydney has influenced major changes in the climate of Sydney city.

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