Weather of Australia

Weather of Australia

by Vishal Kumar

Australia is undergoing a climactic change since the mid 20 th century. On an average Australia’s temperature has increased by 1 degree Celsius. Along with it the heat waves frequency has also increased and so naturally the the number of cold days has decreased. The pattern of rainfall has also changed. The north west part of Australia is facing an increased rainfall since last 50 years whereas the eastern and south western part of Australia is facing a decreased rainfall.

Australia has undergone a terrific drought in over a century and since then it is facing a wide variation in climate. The climate of Australia has become excessively dry since then. The global warming is severely damaging the environment as well as the property and lives of Australians. According to the records Australia has experienced the hottest year in 2005. There is no doubt in the fact that Australia has become the driest continent of the world. Dr. Hamilton said that government should undertake international steps (Kyoto Protocol) as the prevention to the climactic change.

To protect Australia from the climactic variations Australian government is taking several helpful steps. Those include:-

  • Lowering the greenhouse gas emissions
  • carbon capture and storage (CCS)
  • clean-coal technology projects
  • Climate Predictions Project

The associations and projects that takes care of the matters related to the climate change of Australia are as follows:-

  • United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
  • Bilateral and Regional Cooperation
  • Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE)
  • Australian Greenhouse Office (AGO)
  • Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources (DITR)
  • Department of the Environment and Water Resources (DEW)
  • Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)

Climatic changes in Australia are not very stark and hardly leaves residents as well as travelers unprepared for any sudden climatic changes.

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