Armenian Community

Armenia was the first nation to adopt christianity as a state religion in 301 CE. After centuries traveling through disputes and settling them, in 1991 the government of Armenia officially recognize the Armenian community as Armenian Jewish community.

Political events in the Ottoman Empire during the late-1800s and early-1900s led to the widespread destruction of communities in 1915. Upto 1.5 million Armenians were killed through starvation, deportations, and massacres. Armenian christianity was first introduced by the apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus in the first century AD. in the Armenia’s community .

The Jewish community of Armenia advanced education classes, a children’s chorus, cultural events, and outreach work. Despite a small Jewish population, high intermarriage rate and relative isolation, a number of programs and much enthusiasm exist to help meet Armenian community needs. The Jewish religious community of Armenia is registered with the Committee on Nationalities.

About 94 percent of Armenian community consider themselves to be Armenian christians who have derived their faith directly from Christ’s apostles. The community in Armenia began to practice christianity. In regard to this many churches and monasteries were erected in Armenian community. The christian faith has shaped Armenian community culture so intimately that it percolates the very landscape at virtually every corner of the country.

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