People of Armenia

Armenia People constitute an ethnic community residing in the Territory of Armenia. The natives of the Armenian Republic are popularly known as “Hai”. The Armenian oral history describes the people of Armenia as the direct posterities of son of Noah, the great Japheth. Armenia People are mostly seen in and around the Caucasus mountain range and in the eastern region of Anatolia. Armenians can also be found in Nagorno-Karabakh, placed within the Azerbaijan Republic and in many other parts of the Armenian Diaspora.

Features of Armenia People

The ancient kingdoms of the Armenian Territory played a crucial role in expanding the domain of Armenia people. The evolution of Armenia language, change over to Christianity and foreign encroachments have also contributed substantially in the prosperity of the Armenian people.

Armenia people have experienced the supremacy of the foreign invaders for several years in past. The natives of the Armenian Territory used to inhabit in the Armenian Plateau encircling the hilly terrains of the Ararat Mountain. The breakdown of the former Soviet Union and the resulting emergence of the independent Armenian Republic, have transformed the Armenian population into a multiethnic community.

With their strong cultural and religious traditions, Armenia people have gained substantial prominence over the passage of time.

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