Argentina Population

Argentina Population comprises majorly of immigrants from Spain and Italy. Immigrants from Europe came to Argentina during the early 20 th century.

Total population of Argentina as estimated in the year 2013 in the month of July was about 42,610,981 persons. Majority of the population resides in the Buenos Aires province . Only 0.5 5 of the total population comprises of the indigenous population of Argentina. These people are the Collas, Mapuches, Tobas, Chiriguanos and Matacos.

The major cities and bigger provinces of Argentina like Buenos Aires, Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta, Santa Fe and Tucuman has the largest population. The population of these provinces are higher than 1 million persons. Buenos Aires alone have a population of more than 14 million persons. The least populated province of Argentina is the La Pampa province with a less than 329,600 persons. This population estimation is as taken on the first half of the year 2007.

The religion followed by the people of Argentina are Roman Catholic which is estimated to be 90 %, protestants and Jewish population comprises of 2 % each and the other religion followed by the people in Argentina comprises of 4 % of the total population.

Literacy rate of the population in Argentina is 97.1% and life expectancy is estimated at 76.12%.

The population in Argentina is growing day by day. The tourists visiting Argentina also adds to the temporary growth in the population. The industrial sector in the urban centers are attracting a good number of people from the world which is adding to the native population of Argentina

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