Argentina Political Map

Description:Political map of Argentina showing the international boundary, provinces boundaries with national capital.


Argentina is a country located in South America. It is the second largest country in South America covering an area 1,068,302 square miles; the estimated population of the country is 40,117,096.

As shown in the Argentina Political Map, the country shares its borders with Paraguay and Bolivia to the north, Brazil and Uruguay to the north-east, and Chile to the west and south. The national capital, Buenos Aires is shown in the map with a red square. Buenos Aires is located on the western shore of Rio de la Plata.

Argentina political map also highlights the location of various provinces, their capital, and neighboring countries of Argentina. The map clearly depicts the national and the international boundaries of Argentina. Surrounding oceans, rivers, seas, bays, and canals such as the Pacific Ocean, South Atlantic, Strait of Magellan can also be found in the map of Argentina.

The major provinces of Argentina are: Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Formosa, La Pampa, Jujuy, Santa Fe, Santa Cruz, Santiago del Estero, and Mendoza.

Argentina is a federal representative democratic republic. Executive power is vested in the President and the Cabinet, while the legislative power is vested in the National Congress. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner is the current President of Argentina. Julio Cobos is the Vice President of the nation.

Argentina’s economy is the third-largest economy in Latin America. In 2011, its GDP per capita income(nominal) in 2011 was $9,583. Food processing, motor vehicles and auto parts, appliances and electronics, chemicals and petrochemicals, steel, aluminum, machinery, textiles, beverages, and printing are the major industries. Major trade flows are with United States, Brazil, China, Germany, and Chile.

Argentina Provinces and Capitals

Province Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Buenos Aires 13,827,203 307,571 118,754 La Plata
Catamarca 334,568 102,602 39,615 (San Fernando del Valle de) Catamarca
Chaco 984,446 99,633 38,469 Resistencia
Chubut 413,237 224,686 86,752 Rawson
Ciudad de Buenos Aires 2,776,138 203 78 Buenos Aires
Cordoba 3,066,801 165,321 63,831 Cordoba
Corrientes 930,991 88,199 34,054 Corrientes
Entre Rios 1,158,147 78,781 30,418 Parana
Formosa 486,559 72,066 27,825 Formosa
Jujuy 611,888 53,219 20,548 (San Salvador de) Jujuy
La Pampa 299,294 143,440 55,382 Santa Rosa
La Rioja 289,983 89,680 34,626 La Rioja
Mendoza 1,579,651 148,827 57,462 Mendoza
Misiones 965,522 29,801 11,506 Posadas
Neuquen 474,155 94,078 36,324 Neuquen
Rio Negro 552,822 203,013 78,384 Viedma
Salta 1,079,051 155,488 60,034 Salta
San Juan 620,023 89,651 34,614 San Juan
San Luis 367,933 76,748 29,633 San Luis
Santa Cruz 196,958 243,943 94,187 Rio Gallegos
Santa Fe 3,000,701 133,007 51,354 Santa Fe
Santiago del Estero 804,457 136,351 52,645 Santiago del Estero
Tierra del Fuego 101,079 21,571 8,329 Ushuaia
Tucuman 1,338,523 22,524 8,697 (San Miguel de) Tucuman

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