Based on recent estimates, as of 2021, the top 10 countries by agricultural imports in no particular order are:
- China
- United States
- Japan
- European Union (28 countries)
- Mexico
- South Korea
- Canada
- Indonesia
- Saudi Arabia
- Vietnam
Top 10 Importers of agricultural Products, 2015 |
Rank | Country | Value in (Billion dollars) |
1 | European Union (28) | 590 |
2 | China | 160 |
3 | United States | 149 |
4 | Japan | 74 |
5 | Canada | 38 |
6 | Korea, Republic of | 33 |
7 | India | 28 |
8 | Mexico | 28 |
9 | Russian Federation | 28 |
10 | Hong Kong, China | 27 |
Source : https://www.wto.org/english/res_e/statis_e/wts2016_e/wts16_chap9_e.htm WTO
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