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Earthquakes in Italy

Italy Earthquake Map - M6.1 Strikes Central Italy

M6.1 Earthquake in Italy
Description :Earthquake of Magnitude 6.1 strikes central Italy 

*We specifically create maps that have a magnitude of 6 or more on the Richter Scale.

Also Explore: Italy Map, Where is Italy?, Regions of ItalyWhere is Amatrice?, Where is Norcia?,


Another Earthquake Hits Central Italy

Nov 3, 2016 3:00 AM: Central Italy has been hit by another quake of 5.0 magnitude on Thursday, as per reports from the US Geological Survey. The temblor was 6.2 (10 km) miles deep and centered 32 miles from southeast of Perugia.

Italy experienced three earthquakes in ten days, of which one was 6.6 magnitude. There is no report of damage or casualty yet.


Italy Struck by Massive Earthquake of 6.6 Magnitude

2016-10-30 06:40:19 UTC: A 6.6 magnitude earthquake has hit Italy on early Sunday morning. The epicentre of the quake was 1.5 km deep and near the town of Norcia between Umbria and Marche. However, there is no report of damage or casualties yet. This was the third earthquake that struck Italy in last one week.


Two Strong Earthquakes Shake Italy

2016-10-26 19:18:08 UTC: Central Italy was hit by two strong earthquakes, which resulted in damaged buildings and injured people. The first quake was of 5.5 magnitude, which struck at 19:10 (17:10 GMT) near Visso in Macerata province. This was followed by the second quake right after two hours, which was of 6.1 magnitude.

According to reports, many people were injured and buildings collapsed. The tremors were felt in Rome as well. These quakes were linked to August tremors which killed around 300 people in south Visso.


Previous Earthquake in Italy

Italy Earthquake Facts

Country Italy (Central)
Epicenter 10 km from Norcia
Time 3:36 a.m.
Magnitude 6.2
Depth 10 km
Number of Dead People 247
Injured 365


Emergency Declared in Italy

02:15 AM (ET) Aug 26, 2016: A state of emergency has been declared in regions of Italy where the earthquake hit on Wednesday, as hopes of finding more survivors are getting lower. €50m (£42m) in funds have been pledged by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi for rebuilding. At 250 people have lost their lives in the massive earthquake, while 365 are reportedly injured. 


Number of Dead Increased to 247

12:45 AM (ET) Aug 25, 2016: The death toll is increasing and has reached 247. At least 368 people were injured in this massive earthquake. Over 4,300 rescuers are still carrying out the operation and using heavy lifting equipment and their bare hands to find the dead and even wounded people. According to the health minister, many of the victims were children. The death toll may further rise.


Death Toll Rises in Italy Earthquake

6:36 AM (ET): The massive earthquake has resulted into the rise of death toll to 37, leaving 150 missing. Most of the dead were in Pescara del Tronto. The number of casualties may further rise. Rubbles have covered much of the Amatrice town. Many of the victims have been taken to hospital. The rescue operation is still being carried out.


Italy’s Amatrice town disappears in 6.2M earthquake

07:08:59 UTC: With its epicenter near the town of Norcia, Italy, the 6.2 magnitude earthquake has led into diminishment of the popular town of Amatrice. The town’s mayor has confirmed about evanesce of the same. Additionally, the death toll due to the earthquake has also scaled from six to 21.


Earthquake of Magnitude 6.2 strikes central Italy

2016-08-24 01:36:33 UTC: Central Italy has been left in ruins after a strong earthquake with 6.2 magnitude hit it early morning. With 3 people been killed in the earthquake, the mayor of Italy has confirmed about half of the town having devastated as a whole. Also, reports are pouring in about people being trapped under rubble. Rescue operation is being performed at all the damaged areas


List of Major Earthquakes in Italy

Date Location Magnitude Fatalities
Oct 26, 2016 Visso, Italy M6.1  
Oct 26, 2016 Sellano, Italy M5.5  
Aug 24, 2016 Central Italy M 6.2 247
May 29, 2012    Northern Italy M 5.8  
Apr 6, 2009 Central Italy M 6.3 295
Nov 1, 2002 Southern Italy M 5.8  
Oct 31, 2002 Southern Italy M 5.9 29
Sep 6, 2002 Southern Italy M 6.0 2
Sep 26, 1997 Central Italy M 6.4 11
Nov 23, 1980 Southern Italy M 6.5 3,000
May 6, 1976 Northeastern Italy M 6.5 1,000
Jan 15, 1968 Western Sicily M 6.5 231
Jul 23, 1930 Irpinia, Italy M 6.5 1,404
Sep 7, 1920 Toscana, Italy M 6.4 171
Jun 29, 1919 Mugello, Tuscany M 6.3 100
Jan 13, 1915 Avezzano, Italy M 7.0 32,610
Dec 28, 1908 Messina, Italy M 7.2 70,000
Sep 8, 1905 Calabria, Italy M 7.9 557
Dec 16, 1857 Naples, Italy M 6.9 11,000
Feb 4, 1783 Calabria, Italy M 7.0 50,000
Jan 11, 1693 Sicily, Italy M 7.5 60,000


Italy Earthquake Map - M6.2 Strikes Central Italy

M6.2 Earthquake in Italy

Earthquake of Magnitude 6.2 strikes central Italy

Map Showing Major Earthquake in Italy

Map Showing Major Earthquake in Italy

Map showing the area affected by earthquake in Italy