Know everything you want to know about Greenland’s Food. Greenlandic cuisine is traditionally based on meat from marine mammals, birds, and fish, and normally contains high levels of protein.The national dish of Greenland is suaasat, a traditional Greenlandic soup.
The Official Language of Greenland is Greenlandic. The number of speakers of Greenlandic is estimated at 50,000 about 85-90% of the total population. Danish and English, are also spoken widely. Other languges frequently studied are French and German.
Greenland is the largest island in the world.The indigenous peoples of Greenland are Inuit and make up a majority of the Greenlandic population. Greenlanders are famously friendly people and very peaceful.
Fish represents the Greenland cuisine. Greenland cuisine is influenced by both the canadian cuisine on one hand and Denmark cuisine on the other hand. Suaasat and Barbequed Caribou are the two famous recipes of the Greenland.
Main religion of Greenland, about 95% is Christian, which is Protestant in classification and Lutheran in Orientation. Other religious belief are Muslims, Jehovahs Witnesses, Jews, Buddhists, and so on.